020 155 2010 info@copla.fi

Copla Oy’s Customer Projects and References

We provide flexible services to cater to the needs of our customer!

Riistatie 10, Nurmijärvi

Rooftop renovation, construction-technical supervision

Eerikinkatu 29, Helsinki

Supervision of apartment-specific renovations

Varputie 10, Espoo

Renovation of single-family dwelling, structural and HVAC design

Kuntatalo, Toinen Linja 14, Helsinki

Construction-technical supervision of brick facade renovation

Vaasankatu 7, Helsinki

Plumbing renovation, HVAC and construction-technical supervision

Lepolantie 43–45, Helsinki

Row house hot water and wet room renovation, structural and HVAC design, construction-technical supervision


Koskelantie 29, Helsinki

Supervision of facade plaster renewal

Korkeavuorenkatu 1, Helsinki

Structural design and supervision

Eteläinen Hesperiankatu 28, Helsinki

Plumbing renovation, HVAC and construction-technical supervision


Tilkankuja 5, Helsinki

Supervision of facade sealing renewal

Asunto Oy Koillisvayla 9, Linjasaneerauksen LVI- ja rakennesuunnittelu
Koillisväylä 9, Helsinki

Plumbing renovation, HVAC and structural design

Vähäntuvantie 4, Helsinki

Drainage and rainwater system, HVAC and structural design

Kuntatalo, Toinen Linja 14, Helsinki

Indoor renovation and alterations, HVAC and construction-technical supervision

Rautalammintie 4, Helsinki

Plumbing renovation, HVAC and structural design

Aleksis Kiven katu 50, Helsinki

Plumbing renovation, HVAC and construction-technical supervision


All projects are saved to our ERP system. We can provide more specific reference information on demand.

You can download a general reference listing from the button below (only available in Finnish).

Copla Oy
Ruosilantie 14 A
00390 Helsinki

020 155 2010